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《轨迹》(Locus)杂志本世纪第一次史上最佳科幻小说票选 [复制链接]



王者徽记 长老徽记 英雄徽记 神选者徽记 守护者徽记 求索者徽记 冒险者徽记 旅行者徽记 光之洗礼

klam 发表于 2013-3-16 19:45:45 |显示全部楼层
《轨迹》(Locus online)线上杂志2012年12/31最后一天举办的本世纪第一次史上最佳科幻、奇幻小说票选,

《轨迹》杂志史上最佳科幻、奇幻小说票选活动刚刚发布长篇小说的结果。总共有 625 人投票,其中四分之三赶在最后四天才完成。

数字为排名, 书名有加入出版年份, 最后两个数字,代表 积分 及 投票数...



排名 / 书名(出版年份)                                 /积分           /投票

1 Herbert, Frank : Dune (1965)《沙丘魔堡》 3930 256
2 Card, Orson Scott : Ender's Game (1985)《致命儿戏》2235 154
3 Asimov, Isaac : The Foundation Trilogy (1953)《基地三部曲》2054 143
4 Simmons, Dan : Hyperion (1989)《海柏利昂》 1836 131
5 Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)《黑暗的左手》 1750 120
6 Adams, Douglas : The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)《银河便车指南》1631 113
7 Orwell, George : Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)《一九八四》 1493 105
8 Gibson, William : Neuromancer (1984)《神经唤术士》 1384 100
9 Bester, Alfred : The Stars My Destination (1957) 1311 91
10 Bradbury, Ray : Fahrenheit 451 (1953)《华氏四五一度》 1275 91
11 Heinlein, Robert A. : Stranger in a Strange Land (1961) 1121 75
12 Heinlein, Robert A. : The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (1966)《寒月,厉妇》 1107 76
13 Haldeman, Joe : The Forever War (1974) 1090 82
14 Clarke, Arthur C. : Childhood's End (1953)《童年的尽头》 987 70
15 Niven, Larry : Ringworld (1970)《环状世界》 955 74
16 Le Guin, Ursula K. : The Dispossessed (1974)《一无所有》907 62
17 Bradbury, Ray : The Martian Chronicles (1950)《火星纪事》902 63
18 Stephenson, Neal : Snow Crash (1992)《溃雪》 779 60
19 Miller, Walter M. , Jr. : A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)《莱柏维兹赞歌》 776 56
20 Pohl, Frederik : Gateway (1977)《冲出黑暗天》 759 58
21 Heinlein, Robert A. : Starship Troopers《星舰战士》(未完) (1959) 744 53
22 Dick, Philip K. : The Man in the High Castle (1962) 728 54
23 Zelazny, Roger : Lord of Light (1967) 727 50
24 Wolfe, Gene : The Book of the New Sun (1983) 703 43
25 Lem, Stanislaw : Solaris (1970)《索拉力星》 638 47
26 Dick, Philip K. : Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968)《银翼杀手》 632 47
27 Vinge, Vernor : A Fire Upon The Deep (1992) 620 48
28 Clarke, Arthur C. : Rendezvous with Rama (1973)《拉玛任务》 588 44
29 Huxley, Aldous : Brave New World (1932)《美丽新世界》 581 42
30 Clarke, Arthur C. : 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)《二○○一太空漫游》 569 39
31 Vonnegut, Kurt : Slaughterhouse-Five (1969)《第五号屠宰场》 543 39
32 Strugatsky, Arkady & Boris : Roadside Picnic (1972) 518 36
33 Card, Orson Scott : Speaker for the Dead (1986)《亡灵代言人》 448 31
34 Brunner, John : Stand on Zanzibar (1968) 443 33
35 Robinson, Kim Stanley : Red Mars (1992)《红火星》 441 35
36 Niven, Larry (& Pournelle, Jerry) : The Mote in God's Eye (1974) 437 32
37 Willis, Connie : Doomsday Book (1992) 433 33
38 Atwood, Margaret : The Handmaid's Tale (1985)《使女的故事》 422 32
39 Sturgeon, Theodore : More Than Human (1953) 408 29
40 Simak, Clifford D. : City (1952) 401 28
41 Brin, David : Startide Rising (1983) 393 29
42 Asimov, Isaac : Foundation (1950)《基地》 360 24
43 Farmer, Philip Jose : To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971) 356 25
44 Dick, Philip K. : Ubik (1969) 355 25
45 Vonnegut, Kurt : Cat's Cradle (1963)《猫的摇篮》 318 24
46 Vinge, Vernor : A Deepness in the Sky (1999) 315 22
47 Simak, Clifford D. : Way Station (1963) 308 24
48 Wyndham, John : The Day of the Triffids (1951) 302 24
49* Keyes, Daniel : Flowers for Algernon (1966)《献给阿尔吉侬的花束》 297 23
49* Delany, Samuel R. : Dhalgren (1975) 297 19

1 Tolkien, J. R. R. : The Lord of the Rings (1955)《魔戒之王》 5675 340
2 Martin, George R. R. : A Game of Thrones (1996)《权力游戏》 2182 149
3 Tolkien, J. R. R. : The Hobbit (1937)《霍比特人》 2040 138
4 Le Guin, Ursula K. : A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)《地海巫师》 1613 113
5 Zelazny, Roger : Nine Princes in Amber (1970) 971 70
6 Lewis, C. S. : The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950)《狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》821 58
7 Mieville, China : Perdido Street Station (2000) 757 54
8 Pratchett, Terry (& Gaiman, Neil) : Good Omens (1990)《好预兆》 693 50
9 Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997)《哈利‧波特:神祕的魔法石》 657 49
10 Crowley, John : Little, Big (1981)《小,大》 645 41
11 Adams, Richard : Watership Down (1972)《瓦特希普高原》 632 46
12 Goldman, William : The Princess Bride (1973) 604 46
13 Martin, George R. R. : A Storm of Swords (2000)《剑刃风暴》 602 43
14 Beagle, Peter S. : The Last Unicorn (1968)《最后的独角兽》 597 45
15 White, T. H. : The Once and Future King (1958)《永恒之王》 589 46
16 Kay, Guy Gavriel : Tigana (1990) 522 38
17 Gaiman, Neil : Neverwhere (1996)《无有乡》 509 38
18 Wolfe, Gene : The Book of the New Sun (1983) 494 35
19 Vance, Jack : The Dying Earth (1950) 457 31
20 Bulgakov, Mikhail : The Master and Margarita (1967)《大师与玛格丽特》 442 29
21 Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2000)《哈利‧波特:火盃的考验》 440 33
22 Tolkien, J. R. R. : The Silmarillion (1977)《精灵宝钻》 433 32
23 Leiber, Fritz : The Swords of Lankhmar (1968) 425 30
24 Jordan, Robert : The Eye of the World (1990)《世界之眼》 423 29
25 Donaldson, Stephen R. : Lord Foul's Bane (1977) 416 32
26 Bradbury, Ray : Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962)《邪恶由此降临》 411 30
27 Peake, Mervyn : Gormenghast (1950)《歌门鬼城》 410 29
28 Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (1999) 《哈利‧波特:阿兹卡班的逃犯》406 32
29 Powers, Tim : The Anubis Gates (1983)《阿努比斯之门》 403 29
30 Martin, George R. R. : A Clash of Kings (1998)《烽火危城》 381 26
31 Bradley, Marion Zimmer : The Mists of Avalon (1983)《亚法隆迷雾》 368 28
32 Hobb, Robin : Assassin's Apprentice (1995)《刺客学徒》 367 27
33 Pratchett, Terry : The Colour of Magic (1983) 359 27
34 Holdstock, Robert : Mythago Wood (1984)《神元森林》 326 25
35 King, Stephen : The Stand (1978) 316 22
36* L'Engle, Madeleine : A Wrinkle in Time (1962)《时间的皱纹》 310 23
36* Pratchett, Terry : Small Gods (1992) 310 23
38 Ende, Michael : The Neverending Story (1983)《说不完的故事》 291 23
39 Peake, Mervyn : Titus Groan (1946)《泰忒斯诞生》 287 20
40 Howard, Robert E. : Conan the Barbarian (1950) 283 20
41 McCaffrey, Anne : Dragonflight (1968)《飞龙骑士》 281 22
42 Orwell : George : Animal Farm (1945)《动物农庄》 279 20
43 Feist, Raymond E. : Magician (1982)《魔法师(学徒+大师)》 274 21
44 Silverberg, Robert : Lord Valentine's Castle (1980) 261 20
45 Lovecraft, H. P. : At the Mountains of Madness (1936) 249 20
46 Swanwick, Michael : The Iron Dragon's Daughter (1993) 247 18
47 King, Stephen : The Shining (1977)《鬼店》 238 18
48 Garcia Marquez, Gabriel : One Hundred Years of Solitude (1970)《百年孤寂》 223 16
49 Saint-Exupery, Antoine de : The Little Prince (1943)《小王子》 217 16
50 Hughart, Barry : Bridge of Birds (1984) 213 16

1 Scalzi, John : Old Man's War (2005)《垂暮战争》 674 101
2 Stephenson, Neal : Anathem (2008) 432 63
3 Bacigalupi, Paolo : The Windup Girl (2009)《发条女孩》 367 58
4 Wilson, Robert Charles : Spin (2005)《时间回旋》 305 49
5 Watts, Peter : Blindsight (2006) 251 37
6 Morgan, Richard : Altered Carbon (2002) 238 37
7 Collins, Suzanne : The Hunger Games (2008)《饥饿游戏》 199 32
8 Gibson, William : Pattern Recognition (2003) 197 30
9 Mieville, China : The City & the City (2009)《城&(反)城》 193 29
10 Stross, Charles : Accelerando (2005) 187 31
11 Mitchell, David : Cloud Atlas (2004)《云图》 185 30
12 McDonald, Ian : River of Gods (2004) 181 29
13 McCarthy, Cormac : The Road (2006)《长路》 151 23
14 Harrison, M. John : Light (2002) 147 22
15* Willis, Connie : Black Out/All Clear (2010) 142 20
15* Chabon, Michael : The Yiddish Policemen's Union (2007)《意第绪警察工会》 142 23

17* Simmons, Dan : Ilium (2003) 137 23
17* Niffenegger, Audrey : The Time Traveler's Wife (2003)《时空旅人之妻》 137 23
19* Doctorow, Cory : Little Brother (2008) 125 22
19* Ishiguro, Kazuo : Never Let Me Go (2005)《別让我走》 125 20

1 Gaiman, Neil : American Gods (2001)《美国众神》 721 109
2 Clarke, Susanna : Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (2004)《英伦魔法师》 609 94
3 Rothfuss, Patrick : The Name of the Wind (2007)《风之名》 422 64
4 Mieville, China : The Scar (2002) 221 33
5 Martin, George R. R. : A Feast for Crows (2005)《群鸦盛宴》 213 34
6 Rowling, J. K. : Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007)《哈利‧波特:死神的圣物》 211 33
7 Bujold, Lois McMaster : The Curse of Chalion (2001)《查里昂的诅咒》 177 27
8 Mieville, China : The City & the City (2009)《城&(反)城》 170 28
9 Fforde, Jasper : The Eyre Affair (2001)《穿越时空救简爱》 160 27
10* Bujold, Lois McMaster : Paladin of Souls (2003)《灵魂护卫》 150 22
10* Pratchett, Terry : Night Watch (2002) 150 26
12 Gaiman, Neil : Coraline (2002)《可拉琳》 144 24
13* Wolfe, Gene : The Wizard Knight (2004) 141 23
13* Abercrombie, Joe : The Blade Itself (2006) 141 24
15 Pratchett, Terry : Going Postal (2004) 137 23
16* Gaiman, Neil : The Graveyard Book (2008)《墓园之书》 136 22
16* Lynch, Scott : The Lies of Locke Lamora (2006)《绅士盗贼拉莫瑞》 136 23
18 Jemisin, N. K. : The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms (2010) 124 21
19 Le Guin, Ursula K. : Lavinia (2008) 123 18
20 Sanderson, Brandon : Mistborn (2006)《迷雾之子》 122 18





群星的庇护-双子座 守护者徽记 求索者徽记 冒险者徽记 旅行者徽记 光之洗礼

nocturnal 发表于 2013-3-16 20:13:35 |显示全部楼层

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冒险者徽记 旅行者徽记 光之洗礼

遗憾个鸟 发表于 2013-3-16 20:46:28 |显示全部楼层

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群星的庇护-天秤座 光之洗礼

科学家1021 发表于 2013-3-17 00:42:01 |显示全部楼层
遗憾个鸟 发表于 2013-3-16 20:46



但那榜单上的奇幻好像有百年孤独。。。  发表于 2013-3-17 11:09

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 群星的庇护-双鱼座 神选者徽记 守护者徽记 求索者徽记 冒险者徽记 旅行者徽记 光之洗礼

史东 发表于 2013-3-17 08:47:32 |显示全部楼层
嘿 沙丘!  偶也。。

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supershuke 发表于 2013-3-18 12:18:38 |显示全部楼层

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dragonzelda 发表于 2013-3-23 20:01:45 |显示全部楼层

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