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中国渔政310船赴黄岩岛维权护渔 [复制链接]


hinghing6 发表于 2012-4-23 21:11:17 |显示全部楼层

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marscj49 发表于 2012-4-23 22:16:38 |显示全部楼层
哎 南海 中国人心中的痛啊

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ck7543 发表于 2012-4-24 00:51:09 |显示全部楼层

  但是中国人从来就不缺乏尝试的勇气,自唐中叶以来,中国就努力致力于海洋发展,以福建为例,由于受山势的限制,平原极少,无法维持众多的人口,北宋时即已发生人、地失衡的矛盾,其经济的发展只有求诸海外活动。因而造就了闽海一带人民海外贸易与海洋活动的传统。南宋成为国人由大陆迈向海洋的一个新起点,为了以远洋贸易补充税收的不足,政府主动以国家机器承担起发展和保护民间海贸的义务,只要能增加收入,甚至规定不论官民,能招来外商增加国库收入至某数额者,都予以爵禄厚赏。国家水师游弋海上为进出商船保驾护航。元代承袭此势,在遍及世界的蒙古帝国的体系中,远洋贸易逐渐形成“全球化”趋势。然而已带有政治色彩浓厚的“朝贡”形式。 到了明初,中国已拥有了当时世界上最庞大的海军和超前的航海技术。然而为了防止在元末争霸战争中失败而逃至海外的“逆臣”的骚扰,明太祖在沿海一带颁布海禁令,晚唐以来的远洋贸易如今成为中央政府的专利。普通百姓没有出海做生意的权利,而来“天朝”贸易的外国人必须打着“朝贡”的旗号。郑和下西洋是直到今天还众口传颂的海上事业的辉煌篇章,然而这一场壮举主要是为政治目的服务,明朝放弃了南宋以海贸供养海军的政策,中央财政在惊人的海洋开支面前捉襟见肘。不得已狼狈叫停,此后留下的,是日益衰败的帝国海军和裹足不前的民间海上商贸。从宋代起渐成气候的沿海地方豪强自然对此极为不满,他们开始自发组织起来,一度威震海外的帝国海军现在竟在一群来自民间的海盗面前束手无策,海禁越禁越乱,国家不得以做出让步,在国家垄断之外,有限度的“私营”开始张目。



  这一切,并没有人觉得不妥,异军突起的新教教导大家为了上帝的荣光而奋斗于现世,继承于罗马的拉丁文名言“Non sub hoine sed sub Deo et lege”指出:人类的权力应受某种外部力量制约。法治的传统为宪政和人权保护奠定了基础,包括保护财产权不受专制权力的侵犯。尽管在16和17世纪的绝对君主制阶段,法制在现实中遭到的破坏多于被遵守。加上代议机构,多元社会,个人主义,在这些巨大支柱的支持下,宗教狂热甚至国家政治利益向资本的流动和增值让路。迥异于以往的时代正在展开。















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ck7543 发表于 2012-4-24 01:50:55 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ck7543 于 2012-4-24 02:07 编辑







菲律宾方面渔业和水产资源局(BFAR)派出一艘35米长的渔政船 MCS-3006,昨天早上抵达黄岩岛,作为海警搜救船“邦板牙”的替补



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liyu8545 该用户已被删除
liyu8545 发表于 2012-4-24 07:01:35 |显示全部楼层

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群星的庇护-水瓶座 光之洗礼 神选者徽记 守护者徽记 求索者徽记 冒险者徽记 旅行者徽记

沙拔 发表于 2012-4-24 10:21:15 |显示全部楼层

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旅行者徽记 光之洗礼

giauque0 发表于 2012-4-24 12:38:10 |显示全部楼层
中国政府很能给国民搓火啊...  现在都恨不得拎枪上阵了...

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ck7543 发表于 2012-4-24 16:57:41 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ck7543 于 2012-4-24 17:08 编辑


Small-Stick Diplomacy in the South China Sea
James Holmes, Toshi Yoshihara
April 23, 2012

James Holmes is an associate professor of strategy at the U.S. Naval War College, where Toshi Yoshihara holds the John A. van Beuren Chair of Asia-Pacific Studies. They are the coauthors ofRed Star over the Pacific, an Atlantic Best Book of 2010. The views voiced here are theirs alone.
James Holms是美国海军战争学院(U.S. Naval War College)战略学副教授,Toshi Yoshihara(看名字是个日本佬)为亚太问题the John A. van Beuren研究员,他们是大西洋月刊2010年度最佳图书Red Star over the Pacific (红星照耀太平洋)的作者,本文章只代表他们本人观点。

A seemingly quixotic impasse between Philippine and Chinese ships played out this week at Scarborough Shoal, 120-odd miles west of the Philippine island of Luzon. We say “seemingly” because it makes eminently good sense for China to dispatch lightly armed—or even unarmed—noncombat vessels to uphold its territorial claims in the South China Sea. That's what happened at Scarborough Shoal, where no Chinese warships got involved. Beijing's muted approach conforms to its pattern of calibrating deployments of force to the circumstances while holding overwhelming military might in reserve to deter or compel recalcitrant Southeast Asian states.
That's savvy diplomacy. It means using the least force necessary—including nonmilitary ships from its maritime surveillance and law-enforcement services, or “five dragons stirring up the sea,” as one Chinese author calls them. Sea power is about more than men-of-war and ship-launched aircraft, the high-profile implements that grace the cover of Jane's Fighting Ships. Shore-based missiles, aircraft, sensors and command-and-control infrastructure can influence events on the high seas. So can coast guards and maritime-enforcement agencies. Even privately owned assets like merchantmen and fishing boats represent an arm of sea power if they can transport war materiel, monitor foreign ship movements, lay sea mines and the like.
Viewing sea power as a continuum gives China's leadership a range of options, including brandishing a small stick to accomplish its goals. It can do so because Manila and other claimants to regional islands and seas know full well that Beijing may unlimber the big stick—in the form of People's Liberation Army (PLA) ships, warplanes and missiles—and wallop them if they defy its will. The future will probably witness more encounters like the one at Scarborough Shoal unless the Philippines deploys a counterweight to Chinese ambitions, either by accumulating sea power of its own or by attracting help from powerful outsiders.
Communities of Interest
Neither the Philippines nor any other Southeast Asian state is likely to amass sufficient physical power to stand alone against Chinese blandishments. That leaves balancing. But presenting a united front is hard for the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), the most obvious candidate to act as a balancing coalition. ASEAN is a notoriously loose regional consortium. True to form, its members have not yet mustered a consensus on the Scarborough Shoal standoff. Nor is the United States eager to take sides. Washington professes agnosticism toward conflicting maritime claims, insisting only that navigational freedoms be preserved.
The vagaries of coalition politics, then, could determine Manila's fortunes at Scarborough Shoal and in future showdowns. Beijing has displayed an impressive capacity to learn from its mistakes since 2010, when its hamfisted tactics frightened China's weaker neighbors into making common cause among themselves and with the United States. “China is a big country and other countries are small countries, and that's just a fact,” proclaimed China's foreign minister in one shockingly undiplomatic exchange with his Singaporean counterpart.
The unsaid but unmistakable message behind such in-your-face statements: “Get used to it.” That's a message minor powers situated near major ones take to heart. Hence Southeast Asians' receptiveness to diplomatic and military cooperation with one another and with outsiders like the United States, India and Japan.
China wants to reduce Southeast Asians' newfound propensity for balancing. Since 2010, realizing the error of its ways, Beijing has prosecuted its maritime claims with a lighter hand. For insight into China's small-stick diplomacy, consider military theorist Carl von Clausewitz. Clausewitz is all about pummeling enemy armies, but in passing he urges statesmen to look for opportunities to disrupt the “community of interest” binding together an enemy alliance.
This might not prove too difficult, he implies. After all, “One country may support another's cause, but will never take it so seriously as it takes its own.” Allies and coalition partners contribute token forces unless their survival is at stake, and they look for the exit when the going gets tough. By exercising restraint, then, Beijing can hope to divide and conquer. And indeed, Chinese leaders insist on treating Southeast Asian governments on a one-to-one basis. That keeps ASEAN members from pooling their diplomatic and military resources.
Five Hungry Dragons
ASEAN's drift relative to a unified, determined China coincides with a dramatic surge in Chinese maritime strength. Foreign observers' attention is understandably riveted on the more conspicuous military dimension of China's sea power, as manifest in high-end destroyers, stealth fighters and the nation's first aircraft carrier. But the non-naval maritime services constitute an important—and largely overlooked—facet of Chinese nautical prowess.
Indeed, Beijing is evidently expanding the five dragons faster than the PLA Navy. The maritime-enforcement services are recruiting new manpower while taking delivery of decommissioned naval vessels. Furthermore, Chinese shipyards are turning out state-of-the-art cutters like sausages. Many are capable of sustained patrols in the farthest reaches of the China seas, assuring that China can maintain a visible presence in waters where it asserts sovereign jurisdiction. Indeed, Haijan 84, one of China's most modern law-enforcement vessels, occupied the epicenter of this week's imbroglio. Not the navy but China Marine Surveillance, an agency entrusted with protecting China's exclusive economic zones, dispatched Haijan 84to the scene.
Beijing's buildup of nonmilitary sea power testifies to its balanced approach to managing the nation's nautical surroundings. Employing non-naval assets in clashes over territory reveals a sophisticated, methodical strategy for securing China's maritime claims throughout Asian waters. Best of all from China's standpoint, this strategy artfully widens fissures in ASEAN's already crumbling edifice. Clausewitz would nod approvingly.
First, using coast-guard-like assets reinforces China's diplomatic messaging. Sending warships to shoo away Philippine ships would indicate that China accepts that it is competing for territory claimed by others. Sending enforcement vessels, by contrast, matter-of-factly signals that China is policing sovereign waters. Chinese skippers can act against foreign vessels while diplomats condemn Southeast Asian governments for infringing on China's sovereignty and violating domestic law. Furthermore, relying on non-naval vessels partially inoculates Beijing against the charge that it is practicing gunboat diplomacy. China's narrative: this isn't diplomacy at all, it's routine law enforcement!
Second, the lopsided power mismatch between China and ASEAN dictates a softer touch. Beijing can afford to deploy lightly armed ships against maritime rivals whose navies barely rate as coast guards. PLA Navy involvement would constitute an overmatch in most cases. Imagine the press photos if a tip-of-the-spear Chinese frigate or destroyer faced off against an outclassed Philippine Navy vessel. China would look like a bully in regional eyes.
For instance, the first Philippine vessel to respond off Scarborough Shoal was flagship BRP Gregorio del Pilar. The Gregorio del Pilar—the pride of the Philippine Navy fleet—is a U.S. Coast Guard hand-me-down of 1960s' vintage. Though grandiosely rebranded as a frigate, it boasts minimal combat capacity. There's little doubt who would prevail in a hypothetical battle. But while Godzilla can squash Bambi, his public image suffers. Relying on the maritime-enforcement services limits the chances of a diplomatic debacle without forfeiting Chinese interests.
举例来说,第一艘反应到达黄岩岛的菲律宾船只是其旗舰BRP Gregorio del Pilar,这艘船号称是菲律宾海军舰队的骄傲—其实就是美国海岸警卫队六十年代设计的二手货。虽然从新命名成了护卫舰,可是实际作战能力不值一提,如果打起来,谁会赢是很明显的事情。但是虽然大国能痛扁小国,国际形象就要受损。而使用海上执法机构可以在减少外交障碍的情况下避免中国利益受损。
Third, employing nonmilitary means eschews escalation while keeping disputes local. Using a blunt military instrument like the PLA Navy would internationalize any minor incident, bringing about the outcome China fears most. Shots fired in anger by PLA gunners likely would provoke regionwide protests while igniting nationalist passions. Unobtrusive methods, by contrast, keep contests bilateral while stacking the deck in China's favor.
Fourth, nonmilitary vessels empower Beijing to exert low-grade but unremitting pressure on rival claimants to South China Sea islands and waters. Constant patrols can probe weaknesses in coastal states' maritime-surveillance capacity while testing their political resolve. Keeping disputes at a low simmer, moreover, grants China the diplomatic initiative to turn up or down the heat as strategic circumstances warrant.
And if all else fails, Beijing can employ its navy as a backstop to the civilian agencies. That China—unlike its weaker rivals—has the option of climbing the escalation ladder only amplifies the intimidation factor in places like Scarborough Shoal or the Spratly Islands. Indeed, the mere threat of naval coercion may induce an opponent to back down in a crisis. Innocuous in themselves, the five dragons' peacetime patrols carry significant weight when backed by the firepower of a great fleet—and Manila knows it.
Sign of the Times
Given the strategic benefits of nonmilitary sea power, maritime-law enforcement promises to remain a growth industry in China in the coming years. Beijing can hope to achieve its goals through discreet methods while applying a solvent to any opposing coalition before it solidifies. That would be an impressive feat of nautical diplomacy, and it could succeed. It behooves the United States and its Southeast Asian allies to pay as much attention to unglamorous civilian ships—China's small stick—as they do to big-stick platforms that dominate headlines.
Scarborough Shoal is a harbinger of things to come. Never overlook the political value of ships just because they don't bristle with guns and missiles.

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ck7543 发表于 2012-4-24 23:47:00 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ck7543 于 2012-4-24 23:52 编辑

PNoy vows to fight for Scarborough Shoal

by Willard Cheng, ABS-CBN News
Posted at 04/24/2012 9:00 PM | Updated as of 04/24/2012 9:00 PM

MANILA, Philippines - President Benigno Aquino III on Tuesday vowed to defend the Philippines' sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal and asked China to fulfill its obligations under international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

"Hinahabol natin ay hindi i-escalate ang problema pero at the end of the day, obligado po ako, nasa Saligang Batas po 'yan, kung di ako nagkakamali sa Article 2, and that I have to defend the patrimony. So ito po ay pag-aari natin, pagkatagal-tagal na po na pag-aari natin, recognized by international law, specifically the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea where we and China are both signatories,” Aquino said during a forum with the People Power Volunteers for Reform.

“And that’s the only thing we’re asking. Sumang-ayon tayo dito, nilagdaan noong ating mga kinatawan, nandoon rin tayo doon sa treaty on endangered species na di ba nakita naman po niyo’yong pinagkukuha noong mga mangingisda nila. Tuparin lang po natin ‘yong mga obligasyon, ayon doon sa mga kasunduang pinirmahan ng mga otorisadong representante natin,” he added.

With China not amenable to the Philippine proposal to bring the matter to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Aquino indicated that what the Philippines can do is to influence the opinion of other countries on China.

“So ang ginagawa po natin, talagang parang pinakasandata po natin dito ay malaman ng buong mundo kung anong ginagawa sa atin dahil… marami ho silang relasyon sa iba’t-ibang bansa sa mundo na mapapag-isip ’yung mga ibang bansa rin naman. Kung ganito tayo tinatrato at sila’y kasinlaki natin o mas maliit sa atin baka dumating ang panahon ganoon rin ang pagtrato sa kanila,” Aquino said.

Chinese embassy lying, military says

As the Scarborough Shoal stand-off drags on, the Philippine military is accusing the Chinese embassy of lying.

The Armed Forces' Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) said contrary to Beijing's claims, advanced patrol vessel Yuzheng 310 and surveillance ship CMS 83 have not left the disputed area.

"We are not doubting their claims, we are telling them they are not telling the truth. The Yuzheng had been spotted eight nautical miles southeast of the shoal," said Lt. Gen. Anthony Alcantara, Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP) Nolcom chief.

Five other Chinese fishing boats have also been spotted at Scarborough Shoal.

"We will not allow the Chinese to conquer our territory," Alcantara said.

On Monday, the Chinese Embassy said, two of its vessels were pulled out of Scarborough Shoal, adding that the move was meant to ease tensions with the Philippines.

"The withdrawal of the two ships proves once again China is not escalating the situation as some people said," said Chinese embassy spokesperson Zhang Hua.

While Manila and Beijing have vowed to resolve the matter peacefully, the Philippine Armed Forces asserted that it is ready to defend the country's sovereignty.

"I can assure you that the AFP is prepared, the government is prepared to handle the situation. We call on our countryment to support your military," Alcantara said.

China has so far ignored the Philippines's call to bring the territorial dispute to an international court. - with a report from Jay Ruiz, ABS-CBN News, ANC
菲律宾主流媒体《每日问讯者报》消息    今天,菲律宾军队北吕宋司令部安东尼·阿尔坎塔拉中将在记者招待会上称:昨天晚上,黄岩岛的中国渔船增至五艘。中国渔政310船在黄岩岛东南8海里,中国海监71船在黄岩岛东南12海里。


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ck7543 发表于 2012-4-25 00:11:24 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 ck7543 于 2012-4-25 00:13 编辑



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