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[ZT]地底卓尔语词汇选摘 [复制链接]




塞斯 发表于 2007-4-16 17:55:34 |显示全部楼层
  “地底卓尔语”或者说“低等卓尔语” 随着地域和时代的改变而改变,其中也包括了一些来自其它语言的词汇(因为贸易、魔法研究及训练等原因)。地底卓尔语的结构和通用语类似。下面列出一些词汇和俗语以供地下城主设计卓尔精灵非玩家人物的话语和书写时使用。

abban 盟友、不是敌人(ally, not-enemy)
abbil 同志、值得信赖的伙伴(comrade, trusted friend)
akh 队伍、团体(band, group)
alur 更好、较高级(better, superior)
alurl 最好、首要(best, foremost)
alust 前面、面对、最前线(in front, facing, in the forefront)
bauth 周围、附近(around, about)
bautha 躲闪、去躲闪(dodge, to dodge)
belaern 财富、钱币、宝藏(wealth, coinage, treasure)
belbau 给(to give)
belbol 礼物(gift)
bol (未知的、来历不明的、神秘的或重要的)物品、事物 (item, thing --unknown,unidentified, mysterious or important)
brorn 惊奇(surprise)
brorna 令人惊奇的事物(surprises)
cahallin 食物(农产品、收获物,包括战利品,但不包括捉住的猎物和烹饪品)(food--produce or harvest, Including raid-spoils, but not hunted game or cooking)
colbauth 路径、已知的道路(path, known way)
dal 从(from)
darthilr 妖精、地表精灵、叛徒(faeries, surface elves, traitors)
del …的(of)
doeb 外(out)
dobluth 放逐(outcast)
dos 你(you)
dosst 你的(yours)
dosstan 你自己(yourself)
draa 二(two)
drada 第二(second)
dro 生命、活着(life, alive)
elgg 杀、杀死、摧毁(kill, slay, destroy)
elghinn 死亡(death)
elamshin 命运、罗尔丝的意志(destiny, the will of Lolth)
elend 通常的、传统的(usual, traditional)
elendar 继续、连续的、持续不断的、持久的(continue, continued, continuing, enduring)
faer 魔法(magic)
faerl 魔法的(magical)
faerbol 魔法物品(magical item)
faern 巫师、魔法工作者(适用于任意性别、所有种族)( wizard, magic-worker --of either sex, any race)
gol 地精(goblin)
golhyrr 骗术、诡计、圈套(trick, ruse, trap)
goln 地精(复数)(goblins)
harl 向下、底下、之下(down, under, below)
haszak 吸灵怪(夺心魔)(illithid -mind flayer)
haszakkin 吸灵怪(复数)(illithids)
honglath 冷静思考、平静、勇敢、优秀举止(clear thinking, calm, braven, good behavior)
iblith 垃圾、排泄、死腐(咒骂用词)(offal, excrement, carrion--oath)
ilharn 侍父(后接家族名)(patron--of House"s title)
ilhar 母亲、作母亲(指生下幼儿,而非养育)(mother, to mother--to give birth to young- not to comfort or rear)
ilharess 主母(后接家族名)(matron--of House"s title)
ilharessen 主母(复数)(matrons)
ilindith 目的、目标、期盼之事(aim, goal, hoped-for event)
inth 计划、策略、阴谋(plan, stratagem, scheme)
inthigg 协定、条约(agreement, treaty)
izil 同样(as)
jabbuk 长官、大师(负责执行任务或管理事物的男性;阶级名、称呼)(master--male in charge of some task or office; rank or title)
jal 所有的(all)
jivvin 嬉戏、玩耍(残酷的逗乐、令人生气的)(fun, play--amusing cruelty, "animal spirits")
khaless 信任(特别指错信的或愚蠢的)(trust--especially misplaced or foolish)
kulg 阻碍物, 牵制,封锁 (将会阻碍或正在阻碍的,比如矿井或过道中的碎石堆)(to will, or actual -e.g. debris in a shaft or passage)
kulggen 精心设计的堡垒、盾牌、或其他障碍物(deliberate rampart, shield, or other barrier)
kyone 警觉的/警觉地、谨慎的/谨慎地,小心的/小心地(alert/alertly, wary/warily,careful/carefully)
kyorl 看护、等待、守卫(watch, wait, guard)
kyorlin 看护的、等候的、守卫的( watching, waiting, guarding)
lil 那个(the)
llar 三(three)
Ilarnbuss 第三(third)
lueth 和(and)
luth 投、掷、猛投(cast, throw, hurl)
maglust 分离的、单独的(apart, alone)
malla 尊敬的(用来表示敬意的称呼) (honored --term of respect)
mrimm 指南、关键、灵感(guide, key, inspiration)
mzild 更、更多(more)
nau 不、无(no)
natha 一个(a)
nind 他们、他们(宾语)、他们的、他们的所有物(they, them, their, theirs)
nindyn 那些(those)
noamuth 漫游者、迷途者、未知者(wanderer, lost, unknown)
obsul 空地、门、豁口、裂缝(opening, door, gap or chink)
ogglin 竞争者、对手、敌人(动态;所有的生物都被认为是潜在的ogglin)(rival, opponent, enemy--active; all creatures are considered potential ogglin)
olist 警告、偷窃(caution, stealth)
oloth 黑暗(即指自然造成的黑暗,也指魔法造成黑暗)(darkness --utter natural darkness or magical darkness)
orbb 蜘蛛(spider)
orthae 圣洁的、神圣的(holy, sacred)
phalar 墓穴、战争制造者(grave, battle-marker)
phindar 怪物、危险生物(特别指非智力生物)(monster, dangerous being (especially a non-intelligent creature)
pholor 上、上面(on, upon)
phuul 是(复数)(are)
plynn 拿,抓(take, seize)
qua"laelay 争吵、争论、对抗(还没有公开冲突)(disagreement, argument, confrontation --not yet open conflict)
quarth 命令(当权者的行为)(order--exercise of authority)
Quarval-sharess 女神(仅指罗尔丝,其他的女神被称为"qluar"valsharess")(Goddess--Lolth; other goddesses are "quar"valsharess")
Quarthen 命令的、指令的(ordered, commanded)
qu"ellar 家族(贵族家庭的称呼)(House--titled noble family)
ragar 找到、发现、揭开(find, discover, uncover)
rath 后(back)
ratha 后(backs)
rathrae 后面(behind)
rivvil 人类(human)
rivvin 人类(复数)(humans)
sargh 武器使用熟练、战斗力、臂力、英勇(confidence in weapons, battle-might, strength at-arms, valor)
sargtlin (卓尔精灵)战士(warrior-drow)
sam! 当心!警惕!(beware! warning!)
sreen 危险(danger)
ssinssrigg 激情、欲望、贪婪、渴望、爱情( passion, lust, greed,longing, love)
streea. 自杀、为罗尔丝、一个家族或一个聚居地而死(suicide, death In the service of Lolth, a House,or a community)
streeaka 鲁莽的、无畏的(reckless/ness, fearless/ness)
ssussun 光、明亮(light, brightness)
taga 比(than)
talinth 想、考虑(think, consider)
thalra 遇见、遭遇(meet, encounter)
talthalra 集会、议会、会谈(meeting, council, parley)
thalack 战争、公开的战斗(war, open fighting)
thalackz"hind 袭击、从远处攻击(raid, attack from afar)
tdu 是(be, to be)
tuth 两( both)
ul-Ilindith 命运(destiny)
ultrin 至高的、最高的、征服者(指罗尔丝时使用"ultrine")(supreme, highest, conqueror --"ultrine" when applied to Lolth only)
ultrinnan 征服、胜利、取胜、成功(conquering, victory, to win or prevail)
ulu 到(to)
uss 一(one)
usstan 这一个(自己、我)(this one--self, I)
usstil 在我位置上的(one in my place)
ust 第一(first)
valsharess 女王(queen)
veldrin 阴影、由光亮变化提供的隐藏(shadows, concealment afforded by varying light)
velkyn 看不见的、隐藏的、隐形的(unseen, hidden, invisible)
vel"uss 谁(who)
velve 刃(匕首、小刀、剑)(blade--dagger, knife, sword)
wael 傻瓜(fool)
waela 愚蠢的、不警惕的、不谨慎的(foolish, unaware/unwary)
wun 在…中(in)
wund 在…间、在…里、进入(among, within, into)
xal 可能、也许(may, might, perhaps)
xun 做、完成或实现(do, to complete or accomplish)
xund 奋斗、努力、工作(striving, effort, work)
xundus 做、达到、完成工作、得出具体的结果(doing, achievement, work completed or manifested in some concrete result)
yath 神堂、神堂所有的(财产、工作或命令)( temple, of the temple--property ,work, or decree)
yathrin (卓尔精灵)女司祭(priestess--drow)
yathtallar 高等司祭(high priestess)
yorn 女神(指罗尔丝)的力量/意志/仆从生物(power/will/servant-creature of the Goddess--Lloth)

Jal khatess zhah waela.
任何信任都是愚蠢的(All trust is foolish.)

Oloth zhah tuth abbil lueth ogglin.
黑暗既是朋友也是敌人(Darkness is both friend and enemy.)

Xun izil dos phuul quarthen, lueth dro.
照着命令去做,你才能活(Do as you are ordered, and live.)

Lolth tlu mallajal ultrinnan zhah xundus.
赞美罗尔丝,一切胜利都来自于她(Lolth be praised; all victory is her doing.)

Rharessen zhaunil alurl.
(主母)母亲了解的最好((Matron) Mothers know best.)

Lit alurl velve zhah lit velkyn uss.
最好的小刀是看不见的那把( The best knife is the unseen one.)

Lit waela lueth waela ragar brorna ?lueth wund nind, kyorlin elghinn.
愚蠢和不谨慎的家伙总会受到惊讶,并且在惊讶中等死(The foolish and unwary find surprises-and among them, waiting death.)

Khaless nau uss mztld taga dosstan.
除了你自己外别相信任何人(Trust no one more than yourself.)

Nindyn vel"uss kyorl nind ratha thalTa elghinn dal lit alust.
那些注意自己背后的家伙会遇到正面来的死亡 Those who watch their backs meet death from the front.

Ulu z"hin maglust dal QUellaT lueth Valsharess zhah ulu z"hin wund lit phalar.
离开家族和神后就是走向墓地(To walk apart from House and Queen is to walk into the grave.)

Kyorljal bauth, kyone, lueth lit Quarvalshams xal belbau dos lit belbol del elendar dro.
谨慎地注意周围的一切,这样女神才可能赏你活下去(Watch all about, warily, and the Goddess may give you the gift of continued life.)

Vel"uss zhaun alur taga lit Quarvalsharess?
谁能比女神更清楚?(Who know better than the Goddess?)




单数 复数
Jabbress (Mistress) Jabbressen(Mistresses)
Velve (Blade) Velven(Blades)


Sarn lil velg"larn"s inthen (Beware the assassin"s schemes)
Nindil zhah lil Valsharess" elgluth (That is the Valsharess" whip)

  一个动词根据数(单数或复数)、人称(第一人称、第二人称、第三人称)、语态(主动语态、被动语态)、时态(一般现在时、过去时、将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时)和语气(陈述句、祈使句、虚拟语气) 的不同而不同。


单数 复数
Lil sargtlin elggar
(The warrior kills) Lil sargtlinen elgg
(The warriors kill) 
Uss jaluk elar
(One male dies) Draa jaluken el
(Two males die)


Usstan belbau
(I give)
Dos belbau
(You give) Uk belbaue
(He gives) 
Usstan luth
(I cast)
Dos luth
(You cast) Il luthe
(She casts) 


主动语态 L"Yathrin harventhe ukt karliik
(The Yathrin severs his head)
被动语态 Ukt karliik zhahus harventhus a"lil Yathrin
(Hishead was severed by the Yathrin)


 主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 Uk phlithe
(He hates) Uk zhah phlithus
(He is hated)
过去时 Usstan phlithus
(I hated)
Usstan zhahus phlithus
(I was hated)
将来时 Dos orn phlith
(You will hate) Dos orn tlu phlithus
(You will be hated)
现在完成时 Dos inbal phlithus
(You have hated) Dos inbal tlus phlithus
(You have been hated)
过去完成时 Il inbalus phlithus
(She had hated) Il inbalus tlus phlithus
( She had been hated)
将来完成时 Usstan zhal inbal phlithus
(I shall have hated) Usstan zhal inbal tlus phlithus
( I shall have been hated)


陈述语气 Udos phuul raldarin l"waess da"fol rivvin.
(We are stripping the skin from some humans)


一般级 比较级 最高级
Olath (Dark) Olathur (Darker) Olathurl (Darkest)
(Beautiful) Mzild ssin"urn
(More beautiful) Mzilst ssin"urn
(Most beautiful)

 To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
   And a Heaven in a Wild Flower.
   Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,
   And Eternity in an hour.



vvinik 发表于 2007-4-16 19:22:15 |显示全部楼层

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天剑 发表于 2007-4-17 12:40:33 |显示全部楼层

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Beto Vazquez Infinity


瑟林安罗斯 发表于 2007-4-17 17:07:37 |显示全部楼层


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路人乙 发表于 2007-4-17 17:22:37 |显示全部楼层
哪位达人给发个  [s:23]

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ashenwing 该用户已被删除
ashenwing 发表于 2007-8-14 23:00:08 |显示全部楼层

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艾德瑞克 发表于 2007-8-15 21:09:28 |显示全部楼层
不是还有手语么... [s:122]

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