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[幻想文学] The Black Magician 黑色魔法师 [复制链接]




sl850101 发表于 2014-5-29 10:46:42 |显示全部楼层
The Magicians' Guild (The Black Magician Trilogy #1)

This year, like every other, the magicians of Imardin gather to purge the city of undesirables. Cloaked in the protection of their sorcery, they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work-—until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders...and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield.


The Magician's Apprentice (The Black Magician Trilogy 0.5)

In the remote village of Mandryn, Tessia serves as assistant to her father, the village Healer. Her mother would rather she found a husband. But her life is about to take a very unexpected turn.


The Novice (The Black Magician Trilogy #2)

"Even if a magician's powers surface of their own accord, he will
soon be dead if he does not gain the knowledge of how to control
them." Alone among all the novices in the Magicians' Guild, only
Sonea comes from lowly beginnings. Yet she has won powerful
allies—including Lord Dannyl, newly promoted to Guild Ambassador. But Dannyl must now depart for the Elyne court, leaving Sonea at the mercy of the lies and malicious rumors her enemies are busy spreading. .. until the High Lord Akkarin steps in. The price of Akkarin's support is dear, however, because Sonea, in turn, must protect his mysteries—and a secret that could lead a young novice mage deep into the darkness.


The High Lord (The Black Magician Trilogy #3)

In the city of Imardin, where those who wield magic wield power, a young street-girl, adopted by the Magician's Guild, finds herself at the centre of a terrible plot that may destroy the entire world . . . Sonea has learned much at the magicians' guild and the other novices now treat her with a grudging respect. But she cannot forget what she witnessed in the High Lord's underground room - or his warning that the realm's ancient enemy is growing in power once more. As Sonea learns more, she begins to doubt her guildmaster's word.



snakey 发表于 2014-5-29 10:58:29 |显示全部楼层

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