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[音乐分享] Trivium - Throes of Perdition [复制链接]

Naile Depscar



scar 发表于 2010-2-8 07:17:55 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 想若飞非 于 2010-2-23 21:45 编辑



Trivium是一支来自美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市的Metalcore/Thrash Metal乐队。乐队早期是Metalcore风格,后期多了一些鞭挞金属的元素。这首Throes of Perdition就是他们后期的作品。

乐队由4人组成,分别是主唱/吉他Matt Heafy(右2,他妈是日本人,他爸是爱尔兰人,他是美国人),主唱/吉他Corey Beaulieu(左2),鼓手Travis Smith(左1)等4人(右1那个贝司手内牛满面T-T…我不知道他叫啥)组成。

乐队与Lifeforce Record公司签约后逐渐声名显赫,甚至有人管他们叫“小Metallica”。(估计他们不会喜欢这个称呼)


Blind-folded and gagged, stood waiting
With the whole world: my firing squad
At the edge of the world I'm faced out
Staring the sun right in the eye

Vultures circle above, hyenas mocking the kill
Excrement drooling down their chins
Atop the cliffs I look down, into the starving Hell-mouth
The rabid foam crashes hard on its teeth

Their mouth's salivate
Fantasizing my gruesome ending
This world looks down upon
A man who can stand on his own two feet

As they're feeding their guns: "ready, aim"
They say I'll live, if I die for their cause
Living under the rule of fellow Cro-Magnon fool
They fear who leads and will kill to stay still

Their mouth's salivate
Fantasizing my gruesome ending
This world looks down upon
A man who can stand on his own two feet

Without eating from their claws

Life feels quite like Hell should
But this Hells so cold
Pull another knife out
Stick it with rest of them
When my back is full
Turn me around to face it

Such melancholy, burning the stars from skies
As we melt, drowning inside their bloodied eyes
Hope is ravaged, running from lacerations
Sob so heavily, we choke, then we die

solo: CKB(=Corey King Beaulieu)

solo: MKH(=Matt Kiichi Heafy)


Life feels quite like Hell should
But this Hells so cold
Pull another knife out
Stick it with rest of them
When my back is full
Turn me around to face it

Sob so heavily, we choke, then we die


参与人数 1经验 +3 收起 理由
双之哀殇 + 3


Blood for Blood

Daisy Kate


群星的庇护-天蝎座 旅行者徽记 光之洗礼 林间驿站

双之哀殇 发表于 2010-2-8 20:19:52 |显示全部楼层

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