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[动漫推荐] Doctor Who 神秘博士 [复制链接]




sl850101 发表于 2013-11-15 18:01:28 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sl850101 于 2013-11-15 18:03 编辑

Doctor Who

Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a Time Lord—a time-travelling humanoid alien known as the Doctor. He explores the universe in his TARDIS (acronym: Time and Relative Dimension in Space), a sentient time-travelling space ship.

Its exterior appears as a blue British police box, which was a common sight in Britain in 1963 when the series first aired. Along with a succession of companions, the Doctor faces a variety of foes while working to save civilisations, help ordinary people, and right wrongs. The show has received recognition as one of Britain's finest television programmes, winning the 2006 British Academy Television Award for Best Drama Series and five consecutive (2005–2010) awards at the National Television Awards during Russell T Davies's tenure as executive producer.In 2011, Matt Smith became the first Doctor to be nominated for a BAFTA Television Award for Best Actor. In 2013, the Peabody Awards honoured Doctor Who with an Institutional Peabody "for evolving with technology and the times like nothing else in the known television universe."The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world and as the "most successful" science fiction series of all time—based on its over-all broadcast ratings, DVD and book sales, and iTunes traffic.During its original run, it was recognised for its imaginative stories, creative low-budget special effects, and pioneering use of electronic music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop).

The show is a significant part of British popular culture;and elsewhere it has become a cult television favourite. The show has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series.The programme originally ran from 1963 to 1989. After an unsuccessful attempt to revive regular production in 1996 with a backdoor pilot in the form of a television film, the programme was relaunched in 2005 by Russell T Davies who was showrunner and head writer for the first five years of its revival, produced in-house by BBC Wales in Cardiff.

Series 1 in the 21st century, featuring Christopher Eccleston as the ninth incarnation, was produced by the BBC. Series 2 and 3 had some development money contributed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which was credited as a co-producer.Doctor Who also spawned spin-offs in multiple media, including Torchwood (2006–11) and The Sarah Jane Adventures (2007–11), both created by Russell T Davies; K-9 (2009–10), the four-part video series P.R.O.B.E. (1994–96), and a single pilot episode of K-9 and Company (1981). There also have been many spoofs and cultural references of the character in other media. Eleven actors have headlined the series as the Doctor.

The transition from one actor to another is written into the plot of the show as regeneration, a life process of Time Lords through which the character of the Doctor takes on a new body and, to some extent, new personality, which occurs after sustaining injury which would be fatal to most other species. Although each portrayal of the Doctor is different, and on occasions the various incarnations have even met one another, they are all meant to be aspects of the same character. The Doctor as of 2013 is portrayed by Matt Smith, who took up the role after David Tennant's last appearance.On 1 June 2013, it was announced that Matt Smith would leave the series and the eleventh Doctor would regenerate in the 2013 Christmas special.On 4 August 2013, Peter Capaldi was announced as the twelfth incarnation of the Doctor.

doctor who 不多做计划,太出名的英剧,今天推荐同名漫画~内容列表如下:


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Daisy Kate


群星的庇护-天蝎座 旅行者徽记 光之洗礼 林间驿站

双之哀殇 发表于 2013-11-16 09:34:08 |显示全部楼层


放心,我找到了,就是貌似贴吧中汉化的太少,有的楼主经常不在,我再找一找,因为找的英文版的内容太多,汉化的不知道有没有同步的~我尽力找~呵呵~  发表于 2013-11-16 10:20
我错了,我知道了~呵呵~  发表于 2013-11-16 10:03
亲,没DW吧啊,是doctor who 吧?  发表于 2013-11-16 10:01

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sl850101 发表于 2013-11-16 09:59:42 |显示全部楼层
双之哀殇 发表于 2013-11-16 09:34



没记错的话应该是打神秘博士才能出现那个贴吧,地址是这个:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%C9%F1%C3%D8%B2%A9%CA%BF LOGO是我设计的,黑底那个就对了  发表于 2013-11-16 10:08
好的,那就麻烦了,别忘了发消息征求一下翻译者的同意,这样做也是为了防止留下到时候有人说是咱们盗取过来的这种口实……  发表于 2013-11-16 10:01

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彩虹号角 发表于 2013-11-16 22:59:16 |显示全部楼层

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cementerio 发表于 2013-12-18 21:49:05 |显示全部楼层


这位会员是又忘了去大教堂报道了么?论坛的新手引导果然够混乱啊……  发表于 2013-12-19 09:16
亲,换个头像~可以赚经验值哦  发表于 2013-12-18 21:51
欢迎新成员~可以多提意见哦~  发表于 2013-12-18 21:50

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群星的庇护-水瓶座 光之洗礼 神选者徽记 守护者徽记 求索者徽记 冒险者徽记 旅行者徽记

沙拔 发表于 2013-12-19 13:40:28 |显示全部楼层

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