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[音乐分享] 角色扮演主题交响金属Twilight Force——Flight of the Sapphire Dragon [复制链接]

来自沉睡山3 发表于 2017-4-12 21:34:37 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 来自沉睡山3 于 2017-4-12 21:49 编辑


Over the field and over the glade,
Dwarven chants of glee
They finally found the key to the gate
The crystal dragon gate

Oh, behold the ancient crystal
Shining bright with magic light
With its power we will
Wake the dragon from eternal sleep

Fly far away over mountains and seas,
To lands and kingdoms far beyond
Return with fire to the halls of might
Let the flames of the forge burn bright
So, behold the flight of the sapphire dragon,
Soaring through the skies once again

Dwarves in the forge,
Striking steel, merrily and proud
Crafting the sword from the tales
The sapphire dragon fulfilled their destiny
The destiny of steel

Fly far away over mountains and seas,
To lands and kingdoms far beyond
Return with fire to the halls of might
Let the flames of the forge burn bright
So, behold the flight of the sapphire dragon,
Soaring through the skies once again

Fly far away over mountains and seas,
To lands and kingdoms far beyond
Return with fire to the halls of might
Let the flames of the forge burn bright
So, behold the flight of the sapphire dragon,
Soaring through the skies once again

So, behold the flight of the sapphire dragon,
Soaring through the skies... once again...


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Daisy Kate


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双之哀殇 发表于 2017-6-16 14:41:25 |显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: 双之哀殇在旅行途中拯救了一只快要渴死的流浪狗,捍卫了正义!获得10 经验。 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

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柯特亚克 发表于 2017-6-17 20:27:23 |显示全部楼层

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