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美妙的声线That Place In Your Heart [复制链接]

闲云过客 发表于 2009-6-21 22:38:30 |显示全部楼层

这首歌曲是由Leslie Dowdall主唱的That Place In Your Heart。
看到这首歌名,喜欢爵士乐的朋友大概就会想起Carol Kidd2001年出版的专辑,名字就叫“A Place in My Heart“。
当然,这首歌和蓝调爵士一点关系也没有,Leslie Dowdall和Carol Kidd也没有任何瓜葛。
“That Place in Your Heart“ 可以说是这张专辑最引人注目的一首歌曲,简洁的伴奏,更突出了Leslie Dowdall天使般美妙的声线,温柔的声音却是在向大家提出一个千百年来的问题“Why can’t we live as one“?
这是渴望和平的人们在如今战火纷飞的世道对大同世界的一种向往。Leslie Dowdall可以说是90年代著名的Celtic摇滚乐队Tua Nua解散之后依旧长盛不衰的歌手,她与Paul Brennan (Clannad)以及Ronan Hardiman一起将Celtic音乐推向了世界。97年,Leslie Dowdall荣膺Heineken/Hotpress Music Awards最佳女歌手奖,首张处女作No Guilt No Guile (Grapevine (Ireland) GRA CD220, 1997) 至今仍为乐迷们津津乐道。第二张专辑Out There (LD Records (Ireland) LD CD 1006, 1998) 确立了爱尔兰当家女歌手的独一无二的地位。
试听:That Place In Your Heart

Walk with me,
Break some breath here with me
Help on me, who I can too let with me
Who are you
What did I do to you
Wish on you, who I can tie live with you
We are all more the same than we separate
Then the world is far apart
Plane returns too late
We can knock on template
Afar apart we are
There is always someway to the place in your heart
Hated one, just put down your gun
Done is done, why can’t we live with one
Feel the shame
The air we breathe is the same
Heal the pain, why do we live the day
We are all more the same than we separate
And the world is far apart
Plane returns too late
We can knock on template
Afar apart we are
There is always someway to the place in your heart
In your heart, in your hear,
In your heart
There is always someway in your heart

czsroki 发表于 2009-6-22 17:01:28 |显示全部楼层

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汉克 发表于 2009-6-23 16:01:43 |显示全部楼层

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lkmax100 发表于 2009-6-26 18:05:14 |显示全部楼层

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