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萨鲁曼扮演者Christopher Lee-By The Sword and The Cross [复制链接]



来自沉睡山 发表于 2022-11-30 15:21:42 |显示全部楼层
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乐团主唱有两位,其中Christopher Lee在《魔戒三部曲》中出演萨鲁曼,也是该片演员中唯一跟托尔金会过面的,他在托尔金生前一直和他保持通信联系。
Christopher Lee爵士于2015年6月7日在伦敦溘然长逝,享年93岁。

Act I: Intro

It is year of our Lord 814 and Europe has just begun to emerge from The Dark Ages of ignorance and chaos, following the fall of the Roman Empire, a few hundred years earlier.

The scene is the Imperial Palace at Aachen, now in modern day Germany, where an old and great warrior king lays dying in his bed surrounded by his noble family, his courtiers and many great scholars and churchmen from all over Europe.

This king has fought many bruising and brilliant military campaigns and has now reached the then considered great age of 72 years and will die... Not on the battlefield... but in his bed.

The dying monarch is... King Charlemagne!

First Holy Roman Emperor! King of the Franks!

A Christian warrior King...
As the life slowly ebbs from his sill magnificent frame, the King calls out to Einhard his most trusted palace official.

Act I: King of the Franks

Charlemagne: Einhard gather near... come hither to my bedside.
The hour that I must retire is drawing ever near.
From the exigencies of this life
My deeds laid out before your eyes
And my conscience must be clear.

Pippin the Short:
Charles my dear son the time has now come.
The House of Arnulf had produced the heir and son
To lead the faithless where we are all waiting for you now
In the eternal kingdom where we at last are one.

Finally you can look back upon your many great deeds
Like your fathers before you have been planted the seeds
The consummation of your ancestors' ambitions.
The founding of a great empire of Christian Nations

Father, does my brother Carloman wait for me?
And my mother Bertha who, with good will and diplomacy
Did all in her power to keep the peace
How was Aquitaine?
The first uprising of my reign
I ran those usurping traitors into the sea.

Did I please Our Lord Jesus when I united ourpeoples in His Faith?
The Saxons ever a plague on our lands, the Lombards that vile race
They would have desecrated his Church and all that we hold dear
But I led them to redemption in Christ the Saviour.

Oh Father, this oath I swear that I shall fight to keep the Lord
In all of Francia and beyond
To heathen fields and Saxon hordes
Who would tread upon a sacred place of ours
Shall learn to fear the name of Charlemagne
One that will be without peer even long after I have gone.

Charlemagne, oh Charlemagne
A shaft of light in a Dark Age
For now he is the King of the Franks
Standing tall above men of all ranks
Homage and tribute to him will pay
And all his enemies shall be cast away
`Cause now he has inherited the throne
The young prince who soon came into his own.

Carloman, my dear brother, we grew apart
But my love for you did not depart
You let the plotters turn your head against me
Our dear mother tried to foster harmony
But you were hungry for more influence and power
Why did you not listen to her?

I forgive, for you were young, ambitious for your people
And your court was advising against me on principle.

I see you now by the stream playing with your little boat
And now as a Prince on horseback,
And then a King riding out across the moat.

And then... oh father! Now he is dead...
How his widow and children weep by his bed
Now I am ruler of all your empire
And I am,.. alone in the adventure
But you came to me, father,
I feel not on my own
And guided me on my sword
As sure as on my throne.

Pippin the Short:
And now you are being besieged by the Saracen,
But holding firm are the Christian Kings of Spain
The Frankish might pushed them back south
'Cross the mountains to form the Spanish March

And what of the other pagan tribes
Who disrespected His Holy See
They knelt before him and gave back that
Which they had taken from The Holy City.

Oh Father, this oath I swear that I shall fight to keep the Lord
In all of Francia and beyond,
To heathen fields and Saxon hordes
Who would tread upon a sacred place of ours
Shall learn to fear the name of Charlemagne
One that will be without peer even long after I have gone.

Chorus (repeat)

Oh Dear God in Heaven
I beseech You that I might see the face of every
one of those four thousand heads, which I had cut
from the bodies of those Saxons who offended you.

That they and I may be forgiven by Your Mercy.
Lord God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, King of Kings
Please... have mercy on my soul... Amen...

Act III: Intro

Throughout his life, King Charlemagne was engaged in constant battles against his neighbours and beyond, and it was the campaigns against the people and tribes to the East that would occupy the greater part of his prowess as a military tactician; as well as his might as a crusader for Christianity. In particular, an unruly and independent-minded race of people that we call "The Saxons", to the North-East of the Frankish territories were to prove particularly stubborn in not wanting to submit without many bloody struggles, to rule under the Franks.

For thirty years the war against the pagans of Saxony raged on, intettpersed with brief periods of peace and campaigns in other areas of the realm. But, whenever Charlemagne's military forces were occupied elsewhere and the Saxons felt it safe to attack, the Frankish King would surprise them with his prompt response, Riding out into battle atthe head of his armed escorts, and with sword "Joyeuse" in hand, the King of the franks marched his armies back into Saxon territory with swift and brutal certainty, time and again. The outcome for the rebellious Saxons was always total humiliation and defeat; a price too high some might say, for any freedoms gained in the process. And there was worse to come for them...

Charlemagne instituted a set of laws punishing anyone caught observing heathen practices or disrespecting the King's peace with the most severe penalties; and these would stir up a renewal of old conflicts. In 782 The Saxon Chief Widukind led a revolt against Frankish rule, sacking looting churches and attacking Christian converts. This would culminate in the most brutal and bloody slaughters in Cagolingian history, known as the Massacre of Verden, It is said that the Emperor ordered the beheading of more than 4000 Saxons, who had been found practising their indigenous forms of paganism, after conversion to Christianity.

He offered them one opportunity to renounce their ancient cultures and when this was not forthcoming, he decided to teach them a lesson which was both inclement and bloody. He ordered his men to decapitate every male prisoner, one by one, in front of their kinsfolk and each other.

Act III: The Bloody Verdict of Verden

Young Charlemagne:
Does a man have to fight all his life?
Only in death to take flight to the skies
Warmongers fight to take my throne
No respect is ever shown
To Pope, or Prince, nor man nor beast
And steal our cattle for the feast
No Earthly princeling mind shall take
For scandalous idolatry so fake

In borderland raid they came in their Hordes
Ransacking villages taking the spoils
With nothing to lose and possessions few
Bold, Sturdy, Fearless and cruel

Young Charlemagne:
Defiant of Baptism on pain of death
Tough measures call for me to be ruthless
To set an example to the rebels
Draconian for their worship of Devils

How many times did I venture forth
To the extreme wilderness of the north?
To subdue those whose hatred was great
'Gainst churches and priests of our Christian State

Four thousand men all dead in one day
They would not recounce the heathen ways
Thirty yeats of campaigning consumed
To subject those Pagans to Christian rule

The Bloody Verdict of Verden
River flowing red with the blood of 4,000 men that i did behead

I shed Blood of Saxon men
I shed the Blood of the Saxon men

Young Charlemagne:
I shed the Blood of the Saxon men

I shed the Blood of the Saxon men

Young Charlemagne:
I shed it at Verden

I shed the Blood of the Saxon men
I shed the Blood of 4,000 Saxon men
I shed the Blood of Saxon men
I shed the Blood of the Saxon men!

Young Charlemagne:
I shed the Blood of the Saxon men

Young Charlemagne:
Shall my realm be taken as I toil?
To force others out of Frankish soil
And I return to learn that all is lost?
Yet my companions I trust, the sword and the Cross

Those good industrious Frankish folk
Who toil out lands with Oxen and Yoke
Whilst Lombard, Vulgar and Moorish men dare even glance at them

Young Charlemagne:
Converting entire tribes by the sword
In the name of Jesus Christo, Our Lord
On that day in Verden mo mercy given
Victory to the chosen people

Young Charlemagne:
Weary grow I of this task which fell
'Pon the shoulders of a man who yearns to spend
But one hour with wife and Child
To gaze 'pon faces innocent and mild

Young Charlemagne:
Four thousand men all dead in one day
They would not renounce the heathen ways
Thirty years of campaigning consumed
To subject those Pagans to Christian rule

To build a better world than ever has been seen

Charlemagne and Young Charlemagne:
An empire made great by deeds of great kings

Chorus (Repeat)


In the midst of the vigorous and uninterrupted struggles with the Saxons, Charlemagne built garrisons at strategic points to protect his territories from further attacks.

He then mustered all available forces in order to thwart the greatest threat to Papal lands.

Men! I have summoned you here to aid our
brothers in their struggle against the Saracens!

We must, at any cost, liberate these lands in order
to protect our realm from the imminent threat of their insurgency!

The Frankish troops then marched over the Pyrenees into Iberia.

Once in Iberia, Charlemagne calls upon the twelve peers, his bravest knights. He then instructs them to command all attacks against the enemy.

At the raising of my sword "Joyeuse", show the
enemy no mercy until they lay down their arms and

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Twelve Peers:
Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Vivat Francia!

Twelve Peers:
Vivat Francia!
Vivat Rex Charlemagne!

All the towns and, castles that the mighty Frankish army attacked, surrendered.
Charlemagne's forces suffered virtually no losses.
But on their long journey back through the Pyrenees...

It is the Gascons!
They are attacking our flanks!
They have betrayed us!!!


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