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[音乐分享] Sojourner-Empires of Ash [复制链接]



来自沉睡山 发表于 2022-11-26 17:06:39 |显示全部楼层

The Pale Host

Beneath these hills there runs a stream
A blood-red course where dead men dream
In winter’s cold, their ghosts I see
Their Pale Host ever follows me

Their pyres burned high, their arms they gleamed
And now they lie in Glory’s sleep
And though I lived, the light to see
The Pale Host still walks beside me

They wander far, grey banners high
Though ‘neath these hills their bones still lie
Long through the mists and wilds they roam
But the Pale Host never will march home.


The dust settles
Tumultuous feeling, we rise
Walk the fields in search of our own
Lifeless many lay

So many slain
Our enemies quaked in fear
Our swords drove strong
Barren fields now covered in blood
The battle cry resounded throughout these lands

Weary, we retrieve them all
Prepare them for their journey
Onwards to eternity we send them off
Into the hands of the gods

We now march back to those we love
We sheathe our weapons and begin our journey homeward

Battered, our feet rest firmly in the soil
We look upon the stars, pondering
Green pastures over the horizon, awaiting

Soon it shall come to pass
Destiny encompasses
Broken and battered souls carried away by the wind

Oh, Greatness
The smell of blood no longer lingers
Onward to reward, pursuits of bliss
Lifelong time of battles cease forever
It creeps over the bend
We see...

Oh, greatness
It creeps over the bend
We see, we yearn, we deserve

I fall to my knees
Lash out a cry of contentment
Home is where I shall dwell
Battles waged for years and years
Here I shall rest until my dying day
[发帖际遇]: 和来自沉睡山一起吃饭的人都拉了肚子,只有来自沉睡山没事,可来自沉睡山担心自己是不是得了什么从觉得一块石头绊倒花费了3 铜币从庸医牧精灵那里买了蓝色小药丸吃下,心里舒服多了。 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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