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托尔金黑——Dwarrowdelf [复制链接]

来自沉睡山3 发表于 2018-6-12 21:19:56 |显示全部楼层

Far over the misty mountains cold 越过遥遥雾山冷To dungeons deep and caverns old 探取幽幽古洞深We must away ere break of day 快动身,趁天明To seek the pale enchanted gold 失色黄金有待寻The dwarves of yore made mighty spells, 昔日矮人多本领While hammers fell like ringing bells 星锤起落响丁丁In places deep, where dark things sleep, 但闻地下厅堂空In hollow halls beneath the fells. 不知黑暗蛰伏中For ancient king and elvish lord 古先主,精灵王There many a gleaming golden hoard 俱把珍奇宝物藏They shaped and wrought, and light they caught 铸宝剑,锻锋芒To hide in gems on hilt of sword. 再嵌宝石柄上光On silver necklaces they strung 繁星点缀白银链The flowering stars, on crowns they hung 龙炎宝冠更辉煌The dragon-fire, in twisted wire 灿灿金丝昭日月They meshed the light of moon and sun.织取骄阳与夜光 Far over the misty mountains cold 越过遥遥雾山冷To dungeons deep and caverns old 探取幽幽古洞深We must away, ere break of day, 快动身,趁破晓To claim our long-forgotten gold. 失传宝藏须追讨Goblets they carved there for themselves 金樽玉盏曾雕饰And harps of gold; where no man delves 琴瑟管弦拨弄时And lay they long, and many a song 何处欢歌唱不尽Was sung unheard by men or elves. 精灵人类俱无知The pines were roaring on the height, 忽闻岭上惊松涛The winds were moaning in the night. 夜风声断夜风嚎The fire was red, it flaming spread; 赤炎烈,火势燎The trees like torches blazed with light. 万木如炬照天烧The bells were ringing in the dale 警钟一报动幽谷And men looked up with faces pale; 惶惶百姓面如土The dragon's ire more fierce than fire 孽火灼人尤酷烈Laid low their towers and houses frail. 怒龙肆虐更猖獗The mountain smoked beneath the moon; 践踏家园成死地The dwarves, they heard the tramp of doom. 末日当头命当绝They fled their hall to dying fall 身殒灭,家室残Beneath his feet, beneath the moon. 硝烟焦土孤月寒Far over the misty mountains grim 越过遥遥雾山冷To dungeons deep and caverns dim 探取幽幽古洞深We must away, ere break of day, 天欲曙,快动身To win our harps and gold from him! 誓得凯歌与家珍


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