双之哀殇 发表于 2011-7-29 17:51:46

[转帖]Luigi Rubino – A Theme For The Moon(2009)

本帖最后由 双之哀殇 于 2011-7-29 17:53 编辑

http://www.tharuth.com/data/attachment/album/201107/29/174552qcggassnujj1a6kc.jpg乐队名称:Luigi Rubino
提供专辑:2009 A Theme For The Moon
推荐指数:★★★★★专辑介绍:Luigi Rubino,意大利钢琴家,作曲家,10岁开始学习钢琴。Ashram的键盘手,还参与过Argine, Corde Oblique等乐队。Luigi Rubino喜欢古典音乐,特别是巴赫,德彪西,普朗克。A Theme For The Moon是其个人首张专辑,一张优美至极的钢琴古典作品。无需用苍白的评论来描述这些宛如神作的音符,相信一曲试听足以将你彻底征服。The embryo of the band was formed in June ‘97 when Sergio Panarella and Luigi Rubino first started collecting ideas for the project that would later be known as Ashram. While undergoing the writing process of their first ever release, the duo invited Alfredo Notarloberti, the notorious napolitan violinist, to take their side in this ambitious project. With the line-up complete, the band recorded eleven songs out of which seven were selected and included on the demo “For My Sun”, self-released in May’99. The remarkable energy and empathy between these musicians granted them an appearance as the opening track on Energeia’s compilation “Intimations of Immortality Vol. 5” with the song “Spirit of the Rising Moon”, and drew some media attention to this emmerging band. Shortly after, Ashram signs with the French label Prikosnovenie.In 2001, the line-up is expanded as Leonardo Massa joins the group on cello, thus completing the ensemble that would participate in the recording of the critically acclaimed debut self-titled album released in the following year. This new release was followed by intense live activity, as the band performed innumerous shows in Italy and even a couple of tours in Portugal. In 2006 they’ve released their second full-length album “Shining Silver Skies”. (介绍整理自网络)个人小感:专辑整体听了一下,感觉有一种空灵的寂静,非常适合午夜聆听。忙碌了一天之后,让自己的心也沉醉在这唯美的钢琴声中吧!曲目试听Voice In The Eyeshttp://www.xiami.com/widget/0_3671546/singlePlayer.swf   
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天色已晚 发表于 2011-7-29 19:55:20


帕凡 发表于 2011-7-29 21:12:13


lucy1001a 发表于 2011-7-29 23:28:47


geminixxf 发表于 2011-8-16 07:53:33


boulanger 发表于 2014-6-21 19:54:44

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