来自沉睡山 发表于 2011-1-9 22:02:47

一曲怀旧的Those Were the Days

本帖最后由 来自沉睡山 于 2011-1-9 22:33 编辑


Once upon a time there was a tavern,从前这里有个小酒店
Where we used to raise a glass or two.我们常在这里饮上几杯
Remember how we laughed away the hours,回想曾经欢快畅饮中的时光
think of all the great things we would do. 记起我们曾未了的梦
Those were the days my friend,在那些曰子啊,我的朋友
We thought they'd never end,我们曾想它们永远不会结束
We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day,以为就这样一直欢唱到永久
We'd live the life we choose,我们要过自己选择的生活
We'd fight and never lose,我们要奋斗,永不言败
For we were young and sure to have our way.因为我们那时还年轻,当然要走自己的路
Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala啦啦啦 啦啊 啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦

Just tonight I stood before the tavern时之今日我又来到小酒店前,
Nothing seemed the way it used to be.看不到过去的影子
In the glass I saw a strange reflection,透过玻璃窗看到陌生的影子
Was that lonely soldier really me.那是我--孤独地战士
Those were the days my friend,在那些曰子啊,我的朋友
We thought they'd never end,我们曾想它们永远不会结束
We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day,以为就这样一直欢唱到永久
We'd live the life we choose,我们要过自己选择的生活
We'd fight and never lose,我们要奋斗,永不言败
For we were young and sure to have our way.因为我们那时还年轻,当然要走自己的路
Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala啦啦啦 啦啊 啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦

Through the door there came familiar laughter.熟悉的笑声传了出来
I saw your face and heard you call my name.我看见你的脸 听见你叫我的名字
Oh, my friend, we're older but no wiser噢,我的朋友 我们并没因为成熟而更智慧
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same.因为在我们心中旧梦依然
Those were the days my friend,在那些曰子啊,我的朋友
We thought they'd never end,我们曾想它们永远不会结束
We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day,以为就这样一直欢唱到永久
We'd live the life we choose,我们要过自己选择的生活
We'd fight and never lose,我们要奋斗,永不言败
For we were young and sure to have our way.因为我们那时还年轻,当然要走自己的路
Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala啦啦啦 啦啊 啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦


   最初的版本为英国民谣女歌手玛丽·霍普金Mary Hopkin生于1950年,活跃于是上世纪 60-70 年代,《往曰时光》是她的成名曲。回头看看,我们自己走过的路不正如歌中所唱?还记得那些和好朋友在一起的往日时光吗?任凭时光飞逝,你我天涯各一方,每当回想起那些日子,青春年少时的影像深深烙在我们记忆的深处,重又浮现在思念的眼前.......

nocturnal 发表于 2011-1-10 10:59:49


scar 发表于 2011-1-10 11:45:23

不错 北欧味十足的黑金属

时之放浪 发表于 2011-1-11 09:17:02

赞记   好歌好词

xzr6502 发表于 2011-1-21 12:15:23


lkmax100 发表于 2011-1-25 20:29:17


nocturnal 发表于 2011-1-25 20:35:41

回复 6# lkmax100


lkmax100 发表于 2011-1-26 16:34:31

回复 7# nocturnal


nocturnal 发表于 2011-1-26 20:01:23

回复 8# lkmax100

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