瑟林安罗斯 发表于 2009-10-2 21:00:32

Here I Am To Worship

Light of the world 世界的真光You stepped down into darkness 你降臨到黑暗中Opened my eyes let me see 開我心眼讓我看見Beauty that made this heart adore You 你的美麗令我心 傾慕你Hope of a life spent with You 盼與你同渡一生Here I am to worship 我在這裡敬拜 Here I am to bow down 我在這裡俯伏Here I am to say that You're my God 我在這裡宣告你是我神You're altogether lovely 你全然可愛美麗Altogether worthy 全然配受讚美Altogether wonderful to me 全然奇妙在我的眼裡
King of all days 永在的君王Oh so highly exalted 他被高高舉起Glorious in Heaven above 滿有榮耀在天上Humbly You came to the earth You created 謙卑地來到 你所創造的世界All for love's sake became poor 因著愛變成貧窮
Here I am to worship 我在這裡敬拜 Here I am to bow down 我在這裡俯伏Here I am to say that You're my God 我在這裡宣告你是我神You're altogether lovely 你全然可愛美麗Altogether worthy 全然配受讚美Altogether wonderful to me 全然奇妙在我的眼裡I'll never know how much it cost 我永不能知道我的罪To see my sin upon that cross 掛在十字架何等代價Call upon the Name of the Lord and be saved 當呼求主耶穌的名來得救Call upon the Name of the Lord and be saved 當呼求主耶穌的名來得救

lkmax100 发表于 2009-10-3 15:51:19

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