辛克莱 发表于 2008-8-31 14:50:30

索思爵士的哀思II——Rise and Fall——Dargaard

这是第二次向大家推荐Dargaard的音乐。上一次是Bearer of the Flame(http://www.tharuth.com/read.php?tid=17085&page=1&toread=1),这回是出自同张专辑《Rise and Fall》的Rise and Fall。没错,就是和专辑同名。

下载点击这里:Rise and Fall.mp3 (192Kbps)
Lord Soth,
once an honoured knight
of the order of Solamnia...
He built a stronghold, tall and proud,
in the shape of his orders sign.
Long time ago, he was disgraced from the gods,
for failing his duties to restore order in the realm.
He found the love of an elven maid,
let his minions kill his wife.
The gods threw a fiery mountain
on the city of Istar,
to punish the arrogance of the high priest.
To The Cataclysm, to the end of the world.

noctem, redde tuae, dux bone, patriae!

Dawning in the lands of the damned.
A new morning went by
in the darkened halls of the fallen one;
as many others did.
Condemned to await the end of all days,
guided by the cries of banshees.
Dead and forgotten mortals,
a life without light,
a life without the warmth of blood.

Rise and fall an empire to lose
Fall and rise a cataclysm to come
Rise and fall the sea changed blood red
Fall and rise for a new order

最后,广告一下:http://www.tharuth.com/read.php?tid-16721-fpage-2.html 早前一幅和爵士有一丝丝关联的画……(我弄广告版主不会劈我吧……)

scar 发表于 2008-9-5 18:06:46

暗潮啊..不错 比较喜欢


46毫克 发表于 2009-7-16 09:46:42

顺便,最喜欢的是《R&F》里面的《QUEEN OF THE WOODS》。

辛克莱 发表于 2009-7-27 22:41:01

我其实本来已经忘了是哪个网站了,但我记得当时Therion那首Mark of Cain的歌词是在那里找的,一搜,还真翻出来了=。=

46毫克 发表于 2009-7-28 15:40:59


lkmax100 发表于 2009-8-5 09:33:21


46毫克 发表于 2009-8-5 21:52:29

回复楼上 驴子上他们的4张专辑都有的 但是种子不多。
这个邮箱:suolanniya1986@126.com有《Rise and Fall》专辑以及DARGAARD乐队的第1第2张专辑的全部音乐。密码是65211314.

缺点是上传的人当年脑残网残。。。是一首歌 一首歌 这么上传的 悲剧。

lkmax100 发表于 2009-9-4 13:24:49

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