瑟兰迪尔 发表于 2016-5-29 11:01:53



The Quill of Acceptance and The⁽1⁾ Book of Admittance

New from J.K. Rowling

In a smalllocked tower, never visited by any student at Hogwarts, sits an ancient bookthat has not been touched by human hands since the four founders placed itthere on completion of the castle. Beside the book, which is bound in peelingblack dragon-hide, stands a small silver inkpot and from this protrudes a long,faded quill. These are the Quill of Acceptance and the Book of Admittance andthey constitute the only process by which students are selected for HogwartsSchool of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

If anybodyunderstands what powerful and long-lasting magic causes this Book and Quill tobehave as they do, nobody has ever confessed to it, doubtless because (as AlbusDumbledore once sighed) it saves the staff tedious explanations to parents whoare furious that their children have not been selected for Hogwarts. The Bookand Quill's decision is final and no child has ever been admitted whose namehas not first been inscribed on the book's yellowing pages.

At theprecise moment that a child first exhibits signs of magic, the Quill, which isbelieved to have been taken from an Augurey, floats up out of its inkpot andattempts to inscribe the name of that child upon the pages of the Book (Augureyfeathers are known to repel ink and the inkpot is empty; nobody has evermanaged to analyse precisely what the silvery fluid flowing from the enchantedQuill is)

Those fewwho have observed the process (several headmasters and headmistresses haveenjoyed spending quiet hours in the Book and Quill's tower, hoping to catchthem in action) agree that the Quill might be judged more lenient than theBook. A mere whiff of magic suffices for the Quill. The Book, however, willoften snap shut, refusing to be written upon until it receives sufficientlydramatic evidence of magical ability.

In fact,the Book's sternness has a purpose: its track record in keeping Squibs out ofHogwarts is perfect. Non-magic children born to witches and wizardsoccasionally have some small, residual aura of magic about them due to theirparents, but once their parents⁽2⁾ magic has worn off them it becomesclear that they will never have the ability to perform spells. The Quill'ssensitivity, coupled with the Book's implacability, have⁽3⁾ never yet made a mistake.












(4)AUGUREY(卜鸟)[也称作爱尔兰凤凰(Irish Phoenix)] 魔法部分类级别:XX



——《神奇动物在哪里》24页,人民文学出版社2001年10月第一版,[英]纽特·斯卡曼 著,一目 译


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作者: J.K.罗琳

森瑞尼迪 发表于 2016-6-2 17:20:31

我在想 说不定我这几天会从新看一遍电影
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