kinder 发表于 2010-10-9 21:14:46


On July 8, 2010 Martin spoke at a conference and confirmed the current length of the book to be 1,400 Manuscript pages. He expressed his disappointment that he was unable to completely finish the book by the conference, although he would not speculate how soon the book would be completed after his return home on the July 11. At the same conference, Martin also confirmed that he has written one Sansa, one Arya, and two Arianne chapters for the 6th book Winds of Winter and has transferred two Cersei chapters from that book into Dance with Dragons
On August 7, 2010, Martin confirmed that he has completed 8 POV's, excluding prologue and epilogue

The delays surrounding A Dance with Dragons have polarized Martin's fan base, with some of them questioning his commitment to finishing the series.

都完成了8个pov了 所以感觉明年年初肯定能出版【转载,不对此评论负责】


guaiwawa09 发表于 2010-10-9 21:37:38


无敌的兔子 发表于 2010-10-10 20:25:12


暗影骑士 发表于 2010-10-12 15:17:34


alphy 发表于 2010-10-12 17:54:43

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