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[音乐分享] 老曲一枚 theatre of tragedy siren [复制链接]


帕凡 发表于 2011-3-3 17:23:59 |显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 帕凡 于 2011-3-3 17:29 编辑

Haste not thine wisdom, for the hollow is ta'en -
By whom, know I not; 'lack! am I of twain -
And as a crux - cede I my words -
Fro my heart wilt thou ne'er
Have I been 'sooth sinsyne.
Be left without - come!
Thine voice is oh so sweet, I speer thine pine,
Ryking for me:
Ryking for thee;
List and heed, thou say'st
Wistful, whistful -
Chancing to lure.
Chancing to lure,
Skirl and skreigh, but for thine ears, aye, lown 'tis -
Dodge na 'way herefro, do come here in eath!
Mayhap lured by the scent of lote -
'Od! - the foetid - eft hie back I mote;
For what I did my soul atrounced,
How I wish for thee again,
O! do believe me, 'twasn't a frounce.
Will I give thee it: Troth.
Thine voice is oh so sweet, I speer thine pine,
Ryking for me:
Ryking for thee;
List and heed, thou say'st
Wistful, whistful -
Chancing to lure.
Chancing to lure,
Skirl and skreigh, but for thine ears, aye, lown 'tis -
Dodge na 'way herefro, do come here in eath!
It‘s there
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